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Heart-First Administrators

How can we REFINE and RECONCEPTUALIZE what it means to 'lead' when building organizational synergy and enhancing the climate, culture, and experiences of all contributing members? 

Heart First observes the increasing 'gap' between administrators, teachers, and staff with real and tangible impacts on how teachers and support staff conduct their work. Heart First tailors the following products to re-think leadership and meet your organization's needs: 

  • Leading with Heart 

    • Re-conceptualize what it means to be a leader, constructing new pathways and ideas to build capacity and enhance community culture for all contributing members

  • Fostering Heart-Centered School Culture

    • Collaboratively assesses school culture, existing programs, and implements practices increasing student/teacher belonging and buy in

  • Creating Heart-Centered Content

    • Workshops for content-area supervisors to think through curricula, curricular alignment, pedagogical practices, and inter-disciplinary opportunities to increase educator buy in and student achievement 

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