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Education with Heart

We work with forward-thinking schools seeking organizational synergy by implementing needs-oriented training, curricula, and policy to further connect schools with communities they serve. 

Our Misson
Mount Prospect School-01_edited.jpg



Heart-Centered Synergy in Organizations



The vital, life-giving muscle of our being.


How often do we center and listen to our hearts?

 Heart First re-centers the HEART in leadership and teaching  to   build synergy in your organization through expanding connections and touching peoples' hearts. We work to identify pathways to increase self-efficacy and capacity of

 all institutional members to solve problems and facilitate your

 organization's flourishing. 

In a world marked with uncertainty and unpredictability, moving forward often 

 involves doing the "right things" rather than doing "things right" (The Wealthy



About Us

Dr. Venkat Ramaprasad is a teacher, professor, researcher, author, consultant, and public speaker melding theoretical expertise to practical implementations.

Venkat earned his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin (2016) in Curriculum and Instruction, with a specific focus on curricular and cultural studies. His research explores how various groups have been constructed in the U.S., and how these ideas inform how youth construct identities through interactions in schools and communities. 

He brings over ten years of educational experience in international, university, and secondary school settings in education to identify and solve problems. Whether seeking to enhance your organization's climate and culture, realign curricula, enhance teaching methods, develop ideas and re-frame thinking, or motivate both faculty and students, Heart First will take you and your organization where you seek to go. 

What We Do


Heart First seeks to meet your organizational needs on a client-by-client basis. Open, collaborative dialogue is the foundation to Heart First's approach to serving each client and organization. 


Heart First's services include, and are not limited to, the following categories areas:  

"It was like peaking INTO ourselves"

G. Kaur

"Validating and empowering"

J. Stauffer

"Awesome. Enlightening.


I'm thinking about my WHYs"

C. Johnson

"You can have different identities and still belong in all of them. I often feel like I'm not qualified or 'committed' enough" 

A. DeMarco


Let's Dialogue

Princeton, NJ 08540

(M) 609.947.2423

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